Feb. Basics of Drawing Barns and Houses

Starting February 7, 2025 4 weeks

Class: Feb. 7th – 28th, 2pm – 4:30pm

Drawings of houses and barns by artist Kevin McCain

Sketching Barns and
Houses Using Perspective

Drawing and Painting houses and barns can be a real problem. Some artists will even avoid doing them because it seems so complex or there is something that always looks wrong. Don’t let drawing or painting houses or barns intimidate you. Resolve all your problems with drawing houses and barns by using practical linear perspective principles. Using the fundamentals of Linear Perspective we will learn to draw houses and barns that look like what we are seeing. We start using 1 pt. perspective to draw simple barns and houses then we continue to explore barns and houses using 2 pt. perspective. Along the way I share with you the tips, insights and shortcuts to draw them quickly and effectively. Join me for a wonderful adventure of understanding and sketching using perspective!

*Recommended students understand the basics of 1 and 2 point perspective.

*Student provide their own materials. Recommended list of materials.*

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